NCCR-SYNAPSY Early-Psychosis Dataset
31 08 2021
$ bids-validator "/media/localadmin/HagmannHDD/Seb/PsychoDev/NiftiBIDSCompliant" --ignoreSubjectConsistency
Summary: Available Tasks: Available Modalities:
9212 Files, 47.25GB rest MTR
346 - Subjects T1w
6 - Sessions T2map
0.1 2021-06-05
- Initial commit of BIDS dataset after reconversion of DICOMs to Niftis using dcm2niix
0.2 2021-07-07
- Create in code/ folder
- Run code/ that:
* Add CHUV prefix to BIDS participant_id labels
* Change session labels from acquisition date to scan1, scan2, ...
* Add sub-<label>_sessions.tsv/.json files that stores the participant age in month and the acquisition time of each session
* Generate participants.tsv/.json files that stores the participant sex and the group
Until now
$ datalad clone ssh://<user>
Note: one needs to be inside CHUV intranet or to use CHUV VPN and have access to stockage-horus to be able to clone the dataset
In the near future
$ datalad clone
Note: everybody would be able to clone the dataset from GitHub but one still needs to be inside CHUV intranet or to use CHUV VPN and have access to stockage-horus to be able to retrieve the content of the files
BIDS-compliant solution
├── sub-CHUVA001
│ ├── ses-scan1
│ │ ├── anat
│ │ │ ├── sub-CHUVA001_ses-scan1_run-1_T1w.json
│ │ │ ├── sub-CHUVA001_ses-scan1_run-1_T1w.nii.gz
│ │ │ ├── ...
Reference: Longitudinal and multi-site studies section of the specifications
BIDS-compliant solution
├── sub-CHUVA022
│ ├── ses-scan1
│ │ ├── anat
│ │ │ ├── sub-CHUVA022_ses-scan1_run-1_T1w.json
│ │ │ ├── sub-CHUVA022_ses-scan1_run-1_T1w.nii.gz
│ │ │ ├── sub-CHUVA022_ses-scan1_run-2_T1w.json
│ │ │ ├── sub-CHUVA022_ses-scan1_run-2_T1w.nii.gz
│ │ │ ├── ...
│ │ ├── dwi
│ │ │ ├── sub-CHUVA022_ses-scan1_acq-dsiNdir129_run-1_dwi.bval
│ │ │ ├── sub-CHUVA022_ses-scan1_acq-dsiNdir129_run-1_dwi.bvec
│ │ │ ├── sub-CHUVA022_ses-scan1_acq-dsiNdir129_run-1_dwi.json
│ │ │ ├── sub-CHUVA022_ses-scan1_acq-dsiNdir129_run-1_dwi.nii.gz
│ │ │ ├── sub-CHUVA022_ses-scan1_acq-hardiNdir147Bval3000_run-1_dwi.bval
│ │ │ ├── sub-CHUVA022_ses-scan1_acq-hardiNdir147Bval3000_run-1_dwi.bvec
│ │ │ ├── sub-CHUVA022_ses-scan1_acq-hardiNdir147Bval3000_run-1_dwi.json
│ │ │ ├── sub-CHUVA022_ses-scan1_acq-hardiNdir147Bval3000_run-1_dwi.nii.gz
Reference: Entities section of the specifications